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Exhibition Booth Design

EDB Singapore + Think Tank Studio

Industrial Transformation ASIA PACIFIC 

The Industrial Transformation ASIA-PACIFIC, a HANNOVER MESSE event is Asia-Pacific’s leading trade event for Industry 4.0.

The event brings together an ecosystem of manufacturers, government agencies & businesses ranging from multinational corporations (MNC) to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to shape and support their transformation initiatives. 

214 exhibiting companies from 13 countries will showcase the newest ideas in advanced manufacturing, from virtual power plants that redirect electricity to and from grids to simulating entire production chains digitally. 

Supporting this event is Economic Development Board (EDB) Singapore, exhibiting its Singapore showcase in a 12 by 7m space in Singapore Expo Hall 1.

I am involved in the project in the conceptualisation and creation of the hallmarks of the booth - the 2nd-storey Vantage Point and City Center.

"We Are The City" concept - Think Tank Studio

3D Art Direction - Xiuming Loh

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